Mental Self Care
A healthy mind will help with your self care. The way you think and the nthings you fill your mind with affect your mental state.
Thinking about the idea of mental health, here are some suggestions for self care:
- keeping your mind sharp (doing things like puzzles, learning something new)
- fuel your mind with inspiring books or movies
- maintaining a healthy inner dialogue (like self acceptance)
Over my Christmas holidays, the kids and I started a puzzle. Honestly, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed them. It isn't finished yet as we got back into regular routine, but we'll pick it up again soon.
If you've spent any time around me, you've probably heard me raving out our local libraries. They have always been one of my favourite places. In the Summer, I take the kids over weekly to get new books and movies. I've been taking advantage of their audiobooks (downloadable and on CD). I spend each work day driving by myself for an hour. It's a great time to pop in a book and get some "reading" done.
What things do you do to keep your mind sharp? Are you at peace with who you are?